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글쓴이 관리자
날짜 2016-06-13 (월) 20:24
조회 220
척본의원 신민철 ** 진단 근골격계 통증, 기능저하의 원인 질환 진단 – 방사선, 적외선체열검사, MRI 인체역학적 자세분석 – Podoscopy, Gait, Posturealignment 검사 Joint ROM, Flexibilityand Muscle Function 검사 ** 치료 Osteopathy,Chiropractic, Rolfing 등의 여러 도수치료를 통하여 근육, 근막, 긴장도 와 길이 조절하고 척추와 관절의 관절주변부 피막, 인대, 근막의 긴장도 조절하여척추, 관절의 정상 정렬 유도하고이의 유지를 위하여 환자 자세교육.
** Vladimir Janda MD의 자세근(postural muscle), 위상근(phasic muscle)의분류와 Upper-crossed and Lower- crossed syndrome은 자세와 근육의 상관관계 Postural muscles tend to shorten in response toover-use, under-use or trauma, whereas phasic muscles tend to lengthen andweaken in response to these types of stimuli. These effects can lead tomusculo-skeletal imbalance and joint instability when postural and phasicmuscles are located on opposing sides of the agonist-antagonist relationship. Muscle group of postural, phasic, or a mixture of the two by VladimirJanda 1. Postural muscles actspredominantly to sustain posture in the gravity field. These muscles containmostly slow- twitch muscle fibers and have a greater capacity for sustainedwork. They are prone to hyperactivity. 2. Phasic musclescontain mostly fast-twitch muscle fibers, and are therefore more suited to Movement. They are prone to inhibition.